Here we see the first progression from the first odd number to the next; speaking of which, have you noticed that today’s the 13th?? What’re the chances that the day I publish an article about 1’s and 3’s it ends up being the 13th? (yes, Friday the 13th). And no I didn’t plan this; I’m not that dramatic.. Also, another weird thing: 1+3=4 (obviously) and I got 4 paragraphs here.. Anyways, let’s get right into it: this can be symbolic of a beautiful branching out of our unique, hidden individuality outwards towards groups of people or a community for recognition, similar to 3 and 0, except here with an emphasis on that unique individuality. Next, it could specifically be the transformation of the individual self to the social, part-of-the-group self, or alternately, a transformation of our limited 1-tracked mind to one that’s been expanded with new, fresh knowledge and education. Next, the shape of the 1-3 pairing likely holds special significance if we read it like a storybook from one digit to the next.
The concept of an individual interfacing directly with a group or community is shown when we progress from the individual 1 directly to the social 3. If our current role was simply to be a part of the group, then we’d be seeing only repeating 3’s like in The trilogy; but here, we see a clear contrasted pattern of having 1’s and 3’s together, which means our individuality is something to be preserved here, despite having a background of social activity. In this way, this particular combo paints a portrait of growth, as well as connection and interaction with the world at large, whilst still retaining one’s independent center. A prime example of this could be something like a musician performing at a concert. So guess what then? Seeing this number progression irl could just be telling you that you need to get out of your shell to participate with the world while showcasing your unique individuality to it. Now, what are groups and communities at the simplest level? The answer is: just a collection of individuals. Therefore, progressing onwards in the special case from the 3 to the 1 could just be a reminder of this idea; especially when you see something like: 3111 , where all three individuals making up the group of three have been singled out as individuals, represented by the three 1’s. So what does this mean for us? Well..simplify (1) your social interactions (3). This could mean overcoming a fear of public speaking by breaking down the seemingly large, intimidating and cohesive crowd (3) into individual people sitting in their proverbial undergarments, while you seemingly interview them one by one. Or it could be a politician finding a way to break down an alliance of multiple parties against themselves by breaking down the allied opposition into separate parties by finding differences in their respective ideologies, and then magnifying those differences towards them. Fine, but what if you see alternating 1’s and 3’s? For example, as a personal true story, I at one point had a room number 13 in a coliving area on the 3rd floor of an apartment-hostel, so my room number was designated as: 313-13 while living in another country last year. I mean, what’re the odds (and actual math probability) of having such a sequential, uninterrupted pattern of alternating numbers here to chalk it up to “mere coincidence? To me then, this example of 31313 may represent alternating periods of life where one is socially active, lively, joyful and interacting with multiple people in a group or community, followed by more “cloudy” periods of living alone where one is more focused on their individuality and independence. Perhaps we could even elaborate further on this and state that the 1-3 combos can tell us about a need to balance out our individual and social selves so that we’re neither burning ourselves out as overly wild and chaotic extroverts; nor freezing, drowning or choking out our voices in the heavy, dark seclusion of extreme introversion.
As a logical succession of the last concept, the 1-3 pattern reveals themes of social activity, education, learning and knowledge. Obviously, our first interactions with the world as young children revolved around attending school, where, through interactions with others, including friends, enemies, frenemies, neutral people, classmates, study partners and teachers all taught us much, both about how other humans behave, but also about rote knowledge itself. So, then seeing the 1-3 coupling may be indicating that you need or should enroll in some type of educational, enrichment, motivational or self-improvement course that you’re considering taking, or that you simply need to update and educate yourself about a particular area of your life. Also, in both agreement and opposition to the last paragraph, here we could state that though the 1-3 pairing does lend itself to making a distinction between our individual and social selves, here this duo could be seen as an expansion and transition of our lone, independent selves towards becoming a part of something larger as an end-goal in itself: such as a group, crowd, society, skill set, field of knowledge, or even a larger sphere of consciousness.
Lastly, let’s talk about the shapes created by this combo. Now, aside from giggling juvenile thinking about what the 3 here could represent, the 1-3 pair may represent an evolution of energy, a pattern of thinking, a mindset, or consciousness where we begin with flinging it in a primitive, straight, one-way line outwards into the world in a purely extroverted fashion, for it to never return back to us again, as seen in the shape of the “1.”Then, we slowly learn the art of curving, reflecting and introverting the said energy/mindset/consciousness back upon ourselves after releasing outwards the first time, only to refine it further within ourselves in a kind of “beautiful regurgitation” (I know…what an oxymoron) where we reabsorb these back into ourselves before releasing them outwards again, as seen in the first introduced forward curve of the “2.” We kinda touched on this also in “22” under Master Numbers. But anyways, when we progress onto the “3,” you’ll notice we now have two forward facing curves here. So, to me, this means we’ve honed to perfection the arts and processes of extroversion-projection, introversion-reflection, refinement and reabsorption reliably, repeatedly, consciously and at-will. This is important, because it means an evolution has occurred where, starting from the primal 1, we end with the complex machine of the 3, which has the capability to program and reprogram itself through the effect of it’s own thoughts/emotions/energy/consciousness, which is a distinguishing feature we humans have as being fully self-conscious beings with the ability and free will to direct our own evolution. Again, let’s break down this process: the first line of the 3 flowing outward is like the 1 projecting its energy out into the world, but then this line curves and returns back to a point, which shows the reabsorption and revitalizing return of that once-projected energy. But yet, once again, from that point, we see another projecting line flowing to the outside world again, only again to turn backwards upon itself and return to a resting point. As an example, we have a positive thought, we throw it out into the world via talking to physical people or making a blog post like this one, and then that very same concept that we created from inside ourselves and put out there then further creates a positive impression(s) on our minds that we then reflect upon and internalize, which then leads to the creation of even more new positive thoughts that we then again throw out there, only to once again (you guessed it) cause us to reflect back upon them and reprogram ourselves further towards the generation of that particular train of new, positive thoughts. Of course, we could reverse the process and read the 3-1 storybook left-to-right; of course, this would mean we’re forsaking any and all complicated processes of internal reflection, feedback and self-programming to return to the utter simplicity of the 1, which can be seen as a positive, liberating thing if we’ve become so confused by our own negative thoughts and have reprogrammed ourselves in negative ways. An example here would be dropping all the negative impressions of bad memories and experiences we’ve collected since childhood and returning to the pure simplicity of the state of mind of a newborn.
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