Now after the complicating wiring of the meanings of the 0-8 combination, we finally arrive to the final, decisive stage of the 0-9 duo, and this is fitting because a 0-10 combination would not be very useful, since you could just as easily simplify it into a 0-1 combo. So, anyways, here we may see a mirror image of the themes observed in the 0-6 sequence. So, in opposition to 0-6, here we instead have the 0 paired to one of the ultimate odd, unbalanced, driven and active numbers: the number 9. Of course, the other “ultimate” odd number is the 1 (I’ve kinda already explained this, and will further explain this in the upcoming 1 9 combo; stay tuned). So, this bestows upon them a maximal “drivenness” towards stability. What this really means is: that we have a tendency of stirring up the sleeping 0 and launching it all the way towards the finish line with urgent, driven, active and even combative movements towards a goal of completion. Secondly we again re-visit this theme of that “special relationship” between circular and spiral motion, only this time in the inverse manner. The next 2 points are basically identical to what we talked about in “Sixth Sense”: in that there may be an indication or need to transit between circular and spiral motions of activity in our lives, and also that this combination of numbers (0-9) may also similarly herald the themes of concealment and revelation with the examples I gave of the fully opened keyhole (0) and the miniature latched and “closed” keyhole (9). The final point is different from Sixth Sense in that here, we are putting the themes of stillness vs mature, coordinated and unified active motion; as well as the relationship between them, into the spotlight.
To start off then, since we have the 0 and 9 together, we prod the 0 to wake up from its slumber to go out and reach the final goal with the 9 (which, in this special case of number combinations vs single digits, you would again get the 10, but here it would again quickly change into the 1, by the addition of its own digits: 1+0=1, which again aptly reflects that every ending is a simultaneous new beginning). But not only that, we see the complete story from beginning to end here: the starting point of the 0 and the ending with the 9, so in this sense, this number duo could be signifying not only active, driven and decisive movement towards a finish line that is already very near, but also, it could be interpreted as a symbol of complete, comprehensive, all-encompassing journeys, “big-picture”quests and stories, right from the beginning to the end. Practically then, seeing this combo may signify the *need to look at, (or a reminder that we *are already looking at) the “whole story” of a situation or person in our lives to make a proper judgment about it or them, vs simply jumping to conclusions based on 1 or 2 facts, much like a detective or actual judge; the fact that *Nine Lives highlights the 9’s special quality of *reviewing, only reinforces this point.
The next point is basically the same as in Sixth Sense: that the 0-9 together may be asking or simply illustrating to us the process of shifting between circular, repetitive motions of activity that return us to the same point that we began, versus spirals of activity that, hopefully may elevate us to a higher starting point than before, much like ascending a spiral staircase. However, since I touched on the 6 as being more materialistic versus the more subtle 9, we could argue that the 0-9 combo truly does portray the idea of an *ascending spiral of activity where there is positive growth, increase and ascension occurring, as opposed to the 0-6 where such spiral motions of activity may lead to a downward spiral of materialistic gluttony, where we are descending a spiral staircase and end up lower than our original starting position.
I will jump to the final point now (since the third point of the themes of concealment and revelation are identical to that as already explained in *Sixth Sense): the idea of alternations between periods of rest and stillness (the 0) and periods of conglomerate, unified, active, goal-oriented action. Once again, we return to the example of the figure skater; only this time, the 9 would be like the figure skater tightening her spin from the default 0 to drawing in her arms to quicken her rotation, or push them out to slow down, resulting in more of a spiralling vs circular motion as her diameter (as seen from a top-down view) and therefore lines of rotation created by her arms and body would be changing with time; that, and also the same idea that her speed of rotation would have changed throughout her spinning motion. Anyways, about this idea of smooth, easy, curving motions leading to a powerful summation of cumulative, reinforcing movements is the same as with the 6. Now, though I highlighted the 6 as being one of the principal significators of rest, peace and “easiness,” with the 9 as being more of higher-octave “5” with its themes of hyperactivity, overdrivenness and forceful motion, here is the important distinction: the 9 is still “easy” and “effortless” in the sense that it is highly efficient and wise in its activity, because it has managed to unify, align and synchronize the qualities of all of the numbers preceding it together in one direction of force so that there is no internal resistance to its movement, something that may be seen with the more sudden, erratic and chaotic movements of the 5. So, because of this, it is able to channel its “hard”, driven, goal-oriented, warrior energy into the same very smooth, frictionless, refined, self-reinforcing, highly efficient and economical engine of movement that you see in a spinning hurricane; here, the 9 would represent the remaining, other arc of the hurricane’s arms. Also, its vital to note, that since, according to my view, the aforementioned 6’s shape is like a downward curving line descending and spinning upon itself like the sphere of our planet, therefore representing a “descent” into materialism, then the mirror-opposite of the 9’s shape would be the ascending, curving line that creates a sphere at the top-most point of itself , representing a type of ascension and sublimation towards things of a more subtle and even spiritual nature. The point I’m trying to make here is that seeing any combo of these numbers may signify a current or upcoming transition between periods of rest/stillness and unified/goal-oriented action towards a higher calling, or that perhaps this is necessary in one’s life.
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