Here we have the next-in-line even number sequence including a 0, which again means that you have some of that same repeating element of deadlock, stagnation and passivity, but let’s focus more on the uniquely 6 qualities in relation to the 0. Namely, that more so than just stagnation and passivity, you have a special emphasis on the idea of rest, sleep and stillness. Next, I see this combo as an illustration of the special relationship between circular motion (the 0) and spiralling motion (the 6). Thirdly, the special shapes of the 6 and 0, and the changing progression of either digit shape to the other lends these digits to represent the themes of either revelation or concealment. The final interpretation that hit me with this combo was of a possible relationship between stillness (again, the 0) and effortless motion or activity (the 6), and the switching between these as symbolic of similar processes in our lives.
So we start off with the ideas of stillness, rest and sleep which are emphasized by this number pattern. This is simply because, as already explained, the 6 symbolizes rest, and in combination with the sleeping, unconscious, still and latent potential of the 0, these themes are only enhanced. So this could be telling us that we need more sleep in our life, or some type of rest in general, like cultivating more peace of mind with a reduction in the number of useless ruminating thoughts circling around and leaking away our energy on a daily basis. Yet, this same number combination hold the solution to such a problem of our never ending vicious cycle of thoughts: that the quality of stillness which is highlighted with this special combination boosts the ability to quite one’s mind and engage in meditation; due to this, we could say that this combo is indicating a need to meditate, still one’s mind or at least introspect, or perhaps a sign that one is successfully implementing such practices in one’s life and to continue to do so.
Secondly, it’s possible that any type of shifting between circular and spiral movements, motions or patterns could take on a special focus in your life. What I mean by this is: we can, for example, have loops and cycles of repeated activity, like intrusive thoughts, or a situation repeating itself time and again without any forward progress in a vicious circle. On the other hand, when we have a spiral, it can be good or bad; so if we end up growing, progressing and increasing with our revolutions of activity, then we can call it a positive, upward spiral of something, whether that be actual progress in our life, or an improvement in our thought patterns; the negative spiral would obviously be the opposite of these. So, if we see any repeating combination of 6’s and 0’s together, it may be signifying a transition between (or a need to transition from) circular, repeating patterns of something in our lives to spiralling patterns and processes of activity that may (hopefully) lead us higher than our starting point of such patterns, kinda like a double-stranded helix of DNA evolving and mutating throughout millennia to provide new, improved and enhanced adaptations to a creature’s environment compared to before, which the spiralling 6 can also represent from a top-end view. Now you may recall that I hinted at the 10 as also being reminiscent of this concept of progress, mastery and achievement. In this sense then, the 10 functions similar to the concept of the spiral, versus the 0 which spins in the same circuit, but as with any abstract concept, this isn’t always a negative, since the 0, again, can represent infinite energy by continuously feeding back into itself.
Another angle on this combination is the concept of revelation versus the concealment of truth. Why? Let’s once again investigate the shapes of these digits: the 6 here looks like a miniature keyhole which may be expanded in size due to the extra folded line on top, which is acting kinda like a latch here; and then the 0, is that fully opened keyhole. So, the progression from 6 to 0 in that specific order, tells me a story of the revealing of a certain truth or situation. The reverse is also a possibility, where the succession from 0 to 6 again tells a tale, but this time of covering up and hiding of a situation, truth or circumstance. Obviously we can apply this to our lives in the sense that this combo of digits could be either predicting and reinforcing these themes as actually occurring or about to occur in our lives, or that these processes of either revelation and uncovering (such as the revelation of our spiritual nature) or hiding and covering up (such as one’s private information from hackers on the Web) need to occur to benefit or save us from harm, for example.
Finally, the 0-6 sequence may be putting the themes of stillness versus effortless motion in the spotlight. Now, what the hell am I talking about here? Well, since the 1 is the start of activity after the sleeping state of the 0, the 5 being the peak of such activity and the 6 being the resting period after such peaking of activity. Allow me to explain: indeed the 6 is the harbinger of rest after activity in this universe of numbers that I have created; however, in combination with the 0, we can think of it as being a symbol of easy, gentle, smooth, slow, harmonious and flowing activity versus the 5, which portrays more furious, sharp, rough, hard-edged, fast and intense activity. Yet, the only downside of such versatile, flexible, quick and intense bursts of sudden activity is that you have less economy of energy and motion; meaning: it’s possible to waste some energy and movement because it’s more sharp, with sudden changes, discontinuous, staccato and doesn’t feed back upon itself as much to enhance it’s own movement (like angular momentum) with the same degree of efficiency and expenditure of energy like you would find in more gentle, curved, flowing, circular and legato designs of movement which require minimal force. So, I like to think of the 6 as representing a graceful figure skater with her arm extended outward (the top part of the 6). But, though her motion is cyclical, it is more often that of a spiral versus a circle because she often accelerates her spinning movement by drawing her arms inward and tightening her spin, or extending her arms outward and decelerating, and “loosening” her spin, and though she may meet the same, physically unchanged starting point of her motion several times throughout her spin, she will likely meet it at either a faster or slower speed than before, and so in this regard, this change in speed (let’s keep it simple here without getting into proper physics terms like velocity in this context) can be considered to resemble the concept of a spiral (in this case, by reaching a speed endpoint different to that of the starting speed point). Ok whatever, but the main point in that this figure skater is moving according to a very harmonious, smooth and flowing motion; however, even smooth, flowing movement can easily become powerful. For instance, consider a hurricane, and the 6 does resemble this, with the top hand of the digit representing a spiral arm of clouds. Now, though hurricanes have violent destructive power (sounds more like a 5 thing, I know, but just hear me out), the manner in which it builds its force and angular momentum is actually in a smooth, flowing and harmonious motion (akin to the 6); actually, it is a scientific fact that hurricanes are more harmonious and organized in their structure, versus tornadoes which are more random and sudden in their physical structure; so in this sense, maybe a tornado is more of a “5” thing vs the hurricane as being more of a “6” thing..In any case, smooth, gentle and “flowy” movements should not be misinterpreted as weak or less powerful, and, in fact, can easily become the opposite through gentle reinforcement of movement through, as aforementioned, angular momentum with minimal force, as an example. Another illustration of this could be that of a spinning galaxy, which also has spiral arms; only this time: with stars, planets, gases and other cosmic material; indeed, they seem like gentle, beautiful harmless and peaceful creatures, just effortlessly floating around throughout space like kids on pool floats, when the reality is that they enormous buzzsaw blade beasts whirling around at a dizzying 130 miles/second or 210 km/s. So whatever; what does all this nonsense mean when it comes to real life? Well, in this scenario, I like to imagine the 0 as not being a revolving ring or circle at all, but rather, a still and empty sphere devoid of any activity; so, when it appears alongside the 6, then it may mean either a shift from stillness (the 0) to such smooth, easy, gentle circular motion (the 6) or the other way around, if the 6 appears before the 0. So, this could mean that such a change is or is about to occur, or that such changes are necessary and beneficial in one’s life. Now, it’s important to bear in mind that the 9 also shares some of the same interpretations in combination with the 0 as does the 6, since it obviously has the same spiral shape; but, in this case, it’s just inverted, and here is where we can differentiate between the 0-6 vs 0-9 combinations: the 6 may represent easy “effortless” beneficial activity in one’s life geared towards physical accumulation and development, such as, for example, yoga poses for the sake of enhancing one’s physical health, or listening to financial growth podcasts on bluetooth while drifting off to sleep at night. And, if you recall from Nine Lives, we can again see this visually, as the 6 is described in shape as a curved line drifting downwards to circle upon itself, which can therefore signify the Earth, and other physical, material matters. On the other hand, the 9, with a curved line flowing instead upwards and to circle upon itself, may represent easy activity geared specifically towards sublimation towards subtle, abstract and spiritual matters, but we can talk more about it later when discussing the upcoming 0-9 combo. In either case, these are examples of “gentle” actions that have a profound, powerful and self-propagating cumulative effect, much like that of the figure skater tightening her by using the angular momentum of each previous revolution or spin, or a tropical depression growing into a hurricane, also building upon the revolving momentum of each previous spin (along with being fuelled by rotating heat currents which act as the actual engine here); the main point being that in both of these instances, you have a powerful pattern of motion which kicked off with (almost) effortless activity and now expresses itself through that powerful motion in perfect, smooth and organized harmony, much like a “musician playing an air instrument in perfect, beautiful and coordinated harmony and yet producing the most powerful sound possible” (I italicized and put quotation marks on this previous sentence because it is the best reconstruction from memory I can make at this time about something I had read about from an astrology article about the sign of Libra by another author several years ago, but I can’t remember now the article name, website or even author’s name, so this is the best I can do to least credit them for creating this metaphorical example).
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